Care of Orchid Plants

Let's talk about the care of orchid plants. Orchids are some of the most stunningly beautiful plants that captivate the hearts of many gardeners and plant enthusiasts around the world. They are renowned for their unusual flowers and vibrant colors that range from bright reds to delicate pastels to soft pinks and brilliant whites and yellows. Nevertheless, these alluring plants can sometimes prove to be challenging plants to nurture. 

Care of orchid plants can appear overwhelming and time-consuming for the novice grower, but with a little knowledge, care and attention, anyone can learn to cultivate them with ease. Here are some detailed tips on how to expertly nurture them.


Orchids require the right amount of light to thrive and prosper. Without the proper amount of light, these plants will struggle and even may not produce blooms. However, be careful to avoid direct sunlight, as the leaves can become sunburnt, and can lead to the demise of your orchid. We don't want that. Therefore, it is essential to assess the amount of light your orchids require based on the species of orchids you own. Talk to your local orchid expert or garden nursery provider if necessary to determine what your orchid prefers.  Low light orchids such as Phalaenopsis require minimal sunlight and grow best with filtered light, while most other orchids require bright but indirect sunlight.


Watering is one of the most crucial aspects of maintaining healthy orchids.  A good rule of thumb is to water your orchid at least once a week, it is a good idea to soak the roots entirely as orchids have specially developed vellum on the outside of the roots which act as a sponge to absorb moisture. Avoid watering your orchids daily; overwatering is much worse than underwatering and is a leading cause of orchid failure especially for first time orchid growers. Overwatering can lead to root rot, or lead to the formation of anaerobic bacteria and other problems in your growing medium. 

multiple orchid colors


Orchids tend to flourish in a humid environment as many orchids in cultivation today originate from tropical and sub tropical areas of the globe. They prefer relative humidity ranging from 50%-70%. A low humidity environment can cause the leaves to wither, and flowers to wilt. Therefore, it is a good idea to create a humid environment in the orchid's growing space. One way to do this is to place a humidifier in your orchid growing room. Another way to add humidity is to place a glass or vase of water in the room.  You can also spray your orchid with a light misting to maintain a moist environment, paying attention to the roots and making sure that water doesn't accumulate between where the leaves meet the stem.


Like all plants, orchids require essential nutrients to grow and blossom with beautiful cascades of flowers. It is advisable to feed your orchid plant with fertilizer specifically designed for orchids once a month when they are in flower. Fertilizers that are too high in nitrogen can cause more foliage growth rather than providing the proper nutriton for flowering, which is why special fertilizers made for orchids are recommended. Do not overfeed your orchids. This can lead to damage and the failure to bloom. Read more about fertilizing here


Most orchids require a warm environment to thrive as they are typically from tropical regions. They grow best at temperatures between 70°F to 90°F during the day and between 50°F to 70°F at night. Some orchids need the temperature to drop into the 50s at night in order to stimulate flowering. Avoid placing your orchids close to drafty areas such as open windows or doors. Orchids can be temperamental, and sudden drops in temperature can affect their health and growth. If you live in a colder region, consider keeping your orchids in a room that is generally warm to maintain the optimum temperature for your orchids.


Care of orchid plants requires giving them plenty of fresh air to grow correctly. Air circulation helps prevent the formation of moisture collecting on the plants , which can lead to problems with disease or pests. Therefore, ensure the environment around your orchids is adequately ventilated. Consider opening a window on warm days, or using a fan to increase the air circulation in your grow room. Remember that orchids do not like sudden temperature changes, so keep that in mind when it comes to your orchids. 


Pruning is an essential task in the proper care of orchid plants. Prune off all the dead or discolored roots and leaves to allow the plant to channel nutrients to new growth. Also, prune off any withered flowers for aesthetics and to redirect energy to the plant's roots or new flowers.

Pests and Disease Control

Orchids are not immune to pests and diseases, but with some proper care of orchid plants practices, you can minimize the chances of this occurring. Common orchid pests, include aphids, thrips spider mites and mealybugs.  A good practice is to treat your orchids with Neem oil every few months. Common diseases in orchids include root rot and fungal infections, which are often caused by overwatering. Keep a close eye on your orchids and address any pests or diseases immediately protect your plants and to contain the spread to other plants. Click here for more information on pests and diseases.


Orchids should be re-potted every two years or when the pot becomes too small to contain the roots. Changing the size of the pot and potting medium helps replenish the plant's nutrient content while providing enough space for the root system to grow. For more information on repotting orchids see this article

Final thoughts on care of orchid plants

Overall, Orchids are fascinating and alluring plants that can add a splash of elegance and beauty to your home. Learning about the technicalities and specific requirements for the nourishment  and care of orchid plants is important to maintaining their health and vitality. With the nine detailed tips mentioned above, you are well on your way to enjoying the beauty of your  thriving orchid collection. So whether you're a newbie orchid grower or a seasoned enthusiast, careful attention to detail, and following proper care practices, will ensure your orchids thrive for many years to come.

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